1. These Regulations are developed in conformity with the National Library of Belarus’ Code of Service and the Rules about information copying and specify the service procedure at the central deposit collection (CDC hereinafter).
2. CDC provides services to all users the National Library of Belarus (the Library hereinafter).
3. CDC provides consultations, access to the deposit collection and local information resources, and also offers additional (paid) services.
4. The work time of CDC corresponds with that of the Library.
5. The information about the Library’s resources and services, reading rooms and existing rules is provided by a librarian on duty at the circulation desk.
6. CDC is divided into two parts: open and closed.
7. Documents from the open part are available to all users of the Library.
8. Documents from the closed part are delivered by a librarian by user’s request and upon presentation of a library card. Order limit: 30 items.
9. Delivery of documents ceases 15 min before the closing time of the Library.
10.User can work with the borrowed documents in any reading room of the Library, except for the exhibition of new acquisitions.
11. After use, the borrowed documents should be placed into special carriages near the shelving (in the open part) or passed to a librarian at the circulation desk (in the closed part).
12. Documents from CDC can’t be booked.
13. User is responsible for all borrowed documents. In the event that you detect any damages when working with documents, please notify an assistant librarian.
14. The local electronic resources of the Library are available on any workstation.
15. Access to the Internet resources is provided exclusively for scientific and educational purposes and from the workstations belonging to the Library.
16. You should provide your library card to a librarian on duty to get access to the Internet.
17. Any system operations are forbidden when processing the Library’s electronic resources.
18. To process information, you can use the MS Office suite of applications.
19. To save electronic data, use the file "Portfel" on user workstation. Data export is provided by a librarian on duty by user’s request.
20. You can process your own electronic data media in a carrel with PC. The carrels are located in the general reading room, scientific reading room, Belarusian literature reading room and dissertations reading room. The service is provided for a fee.
19. CDC offers additional (paid) services in accordance with the existing legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the Price List of the National Library of Belarus (the Price List hereinafter).
20. Copying and scanning is performed by librarians at copy desks.
21. You should write the numbers of pages you want have copied or scanned.
22. Copying and print of the information saved in “Portfel” is performed by librarians on duty.
23. You should notify a librarian on the number of your workstation and the name of your file.
24. Data export is performed after virus test. In the presence of viruses the service is denied.
25. Payment is made at cash desks, according to the Price List.
26. The provision of services ceases 15 minutes before the closing time of the Library.
To solve any problems that are not settled by this Regulation, ask the head of the Library Service Department and / or Deputy director general – director of information resources and user service.