
R.S. Motulsky has been decorated with a medal “90 years on frontier guard”

31 Oct 2008

According to the Order “On rewarding of veterans of the public association “Belarusian union of veterans of frontier troops”, officials and workers of state structures and other organizations” of October 3, 2008, № 473 R.S. Motulsky, the Director of National Library of Belarus has been decorated with an anniversary medal “90 years on frontier guard” for an outstanding contribution to protection of the Republic of Belarus frontier.

National Library of Belarus News

Belarus – Latvia: historical, scientific, and cultural dialogue

30 Oct 2008

On October 29, 2008, in the gallery “Labyrinth” took place the opening of a book exhibition “Belarus – Latvia: historical, scientific, and cultural dialogue” from the collections of Latvian Academic Library and exhibition of works by the eminent Latvian photographer Yanis Gleiyzd “Achievement of a Dream”.

Book exhibitions

Art of a Book

28 Oct 2008

From November 3, 2008, to November 30, 2008, in the Atrium (the second floor) will be open an exhibition of Belarusian publications laureates of the V-th International contest “The Art of Book” of member states of the CIS.

National Library of Belarus News

An ardent researcher of Belarusian literature

23 Oct 2008

From October 16, 2008, to November 15, 2008, in the Belarusian Literature Reading Room (room 205) is open a book exhibition “An ardent researcher of Belarusian literature” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Yanka (Ivan Vladimirovich) Solomevich, the literary critic, folklorist, researcher of local lore, bibliographer, translator, laureate of the BSSR State Prize (1976).

Book exhibitions

The chronicler of Belarusian history

23 Oct 2008

From October 16, 2008, to November 15, 2008, in the Belarusian Literature Reading Room (room 205) is open an exhibition “The chronicler of Belarusian history” dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Vladimir Picheta, (1878 – 1947), the specialist in the history of the Slavs, the head of Belarusian State, one of founders of Inbelkult, member of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the USSR Academy of Sciences, honored professor of Belarusian Soviet Republic, honored scientist of Uzbek Soviet Republic.

Book exhibitions

23 Oct 2008

On October 21 – 22, 2008, in Moscow took place the third Forum of union programs projects “Programs of the Union State: aims and prospects”. A representative delegation from Belarus, took part in the Forum. Roman Motulsky, the Director of National Library of Belarus, was among the members of the delegation.

National Library of Belarus News

23 Oct 2008

From October 22, 2008, to November 21, 2008, in the Book Museum is open an exhibition “Orthodox rarities” where are displayed the most valuable Cyrillic Orthodox manuscripts and incunabula from the NLB’s collections.

Book exhibitions

22 Oct 2008

Within the framework of the celebration of the 1020th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, the National Library of Belarus prepared a book exhibition “The Orthodox Word”.

Book exhibitions

22 Oct 2008

From October 20, 2008, to November 30, 2008, in the National Library of Belarus is open a book exhibition “Orthodox Belarus”.

Book exhibitions

The new UNO for the new century

20 Oct 2008

From October 20, 2008, to November 16, 2008, in the Official Documents Department (the second floor, room 207) is open a book exhibition “The new UNO for the new century” dedicated to the United Nations Day.

Book exhibitions

20 Oct 2008

On October 21 – 22, 2008, in Moscow takes place the third Forum of union programs projects “Programs of the Union State: aims and prospects”. Representative delegation of the Republic of Belarus takes part in the forum. Roman Motulsky, Director of National Library of Belarus, is among the participants of the delegation.

National Library of Belarus News

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Dancers' Painter

5 Jul 2024

The book and illustrative exhibition "Dancers' Painter", dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of the French impressionist artist Edgar Degas (1834–1917), takes place from July 5 to August 25 in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306).

Modernity and the future of the Earth's population

2 Jul 2024

From July 2 to August 5, in the documents of international rganizations of the National Library of Belarus (2nd floor, room 207g), a thematic book exhibition "Modernity and the future of the Earth's Population" takes place. The exhibition is dedicated to World Population Day, the 75th anniversary of the formation of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the 30th the anniversary of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and UNFPA .

Chronicle of the Liberation of Belarus

1 Jul 2024

Since July 1, the Book Museum has organized an exhibition "Chronicle of the Liberation of Belarus", dedicated to the landmark anniversary – the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders.