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The XI International Bibliological Conference

The XI International Bibliological Conference
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The National Library of Belarus invites to participate in the XI International Bibliological Conference “The Book Culture of Belarus of the XІ – early XX centuries”.

Time: on 16–17 April, 2015.

Location: the National Library of Belarus (Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 116).

The conference topics:

  • The hand-written book culture of Belarus.
  • Design of hand-written and printed books.
  • Hand-written and printed books of Belarus kept in Belarusian and foreign stocks.
  • The heritage of Francysk Skaryna and his successors.
  • Belarusian printing houses in the XVI–XVIІІ centuries.
  • Belarusian books of the ХIХ – early ХХ centuries.
  • The Radziwill’s book heritage.

We remind participants of the 11th International Book Lectures of the anniversaries to celebrate in 2015:

  • the 525th birth anniversary of Francysk Skaryna (1490(?), Polotsk – 1551(?));
  • the 500th birth anniversary of Nicolay Radziwill the Black (04.02.1515 – 1565);
  • 440 years of the first edition of the Altar Gospel printed by Piotr Mstislavets at the Mamonich Broters’ printing house (1575);
  • the 310th birth anniversary of Franziska Ursula Radziwill (13.02.1705–1753);
  • the 325th anniversary of the foundation of the Suprasl printing house (early 1690-х – 1803);
  • the 240th anniversary of the foundation of the Grodno printing house (the Grodno Royal Printing House) (1775–1796(?));
  • the 175th birth anniversary of Maria Dorota de Castellane Radziwill (1840–1915);
  • the 140th birth anniversary of Martin Kukhta (06.02.1875 – 1941 or 1942).

Working languages: Belarusian, Russian, Polish, English.

Participation requirements

To take part in the conference as a lecturer, please, register online. Deadline: 1 April, 2015.

Papers and reports:

The collection of conference papers is projected for publication. We accept original papers of scientific and applied value. The organizing committee is authorized to select papers for reading at the conference and articles for publication. Please send your paper by email not later than on 15 March, 2015 (the deadline).

Format requirements for papers:

  1. Author’s/coauthor’s full name, surname, patronymic (if any), the full name of organization, city, country; the full name, surname, patronymic (if any) of a person who will read the paper at the conference, the title of paper.
  2. A paper including an annotation in Russian and English, drawings and addendums is up to 6 pages, format А4, Times New Roman, type size 13, 1.5 line spacing, file type DOC or RTF (Microsoft Word).
  3. A reading list follows the main contents in alphabetical order. References are in square brackets at the end of a phrase, for example [3, p. 15].
  4. An annotation in Russian is up to 700 symbols (including spaces), an annotation in English is up to 500 symbols (including spaces).

Meal, lodging and transportation expenses are paid by participants of the conference.

Galina Kireeva
Telephones: (+375 17) 293 27 81, 293 27 82.
Fax: (+375 17) 266 37 06.


July 22–28, 1944. 1 week before Liberation

23 Jul 2024

A new project of the National Library of Belarus is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War – "Reading newspaper lines with your heart. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders."
Every week from January to July 2024, the portal of the National Library publishes materials from newspapers of Soviet Belarus in 1944, reflecting the chronicle of news and events of that time.

Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders