![](http://content.nlb.by/content/dav/nlb/portal/content/File/Portal/InfoResoursy/otkritaya%20inform/noviye%20postupleniya/2015/09.10.2015/1_resize.jpg) |
Актуальные проблемы международных отношений и дипломатии (1918 г. – начало XXI в.) : материалы II Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Витебск, 23–24 апр. 2015 г. / Витеб. гос. ун-т [и др.] ; редкол.: А. П. Косов [и др.]. – Витебск : ВГУ, 2015. – 319 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//506189(039)*1Н//512786(039)*1Н//512785(039)
The scientific edition contains reports on relevant problems of international relationships and diplomacy of the contemporary history. It can be useful to researchers, teachers, post-graduates, students and everyone who is interested in the history and the current state of international relationships and diplomacy.
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Афанасьев, Д. В. Подача жалобы в Европейский Суд по правам человека / Д. В. Афанасьев. – М. : Статут, 2012. – 605 с.
The NLB call number: 1//501925(039)
The book details practical comments and explanatory to the updated complaint form to the European Court of Human Rights, following which it is possible to lodge the complaint to the Court independently, without missing the term of its submission to receive compensation for material and non-material damage, court costs, observing thus the requirements made by the European Court to proofs etc.
The given book can be used as the manual on a special course of international law. However it is addressed not only to science officers, teachers, post-graduates and students of legal high schools and faculties, but also to practicing lawyers, and also all persons intending to protect the rights in the European Court of Human Rights.
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Беларуска-польскія адносіны : гісторыя і сучаснасць : матэрыялы Міжнар. круглага стала, Мінск, 30 кастр. 2014 г. / Бел. дзярж. ун-т [і інш.] ; рэдкал.: В. Г. Шадурскі [і інш.]. – Мінск : Выдавецкі цэнтр БДУ, 2015. – 114 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//506240(039)*1Н//506241(039)
The collection contains proceedings of the Belarusian-Polish round table dedicated to the questions of Belarusian-Polish relationships, foreign policy of Belarus, and the interaction between the European Union and Belarus. The edition is designed for scientists, teachers, post-graduates and students, an also to all who are interested in the aforementioned topics.
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Беларусь в современном мире = Беларусь у сучасным свеце : материалы XIII Междунар. науч. конф., посвящ. 93-летию образования Белорус. гос. ун-та, Минск, 30 окт. 2014 г. / Белорус. гос. ун-т [и др.]; редкол.: В. Г. Шадурский [и др.]. – Минск : Издат. центр БГУ, 2014. – 410, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//505454(039)*1Н//505455(039)
The edition is about the urgent issues of international relationships, the questions of foreign policy and diplomacy of Belarus, the modern trends in the development of international legal personality, and also priorities and prospects of the international economic cooperation of the country.
The book is designed for science officers, teachers, post-graduates and students.
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Государственно-частное партнерство: международный опыт и перспективы для Республики Беларусь : парламент. слушания (25 нояб. 2014 года) / Нац. собр. Респ. Беларусь, Палата представителей. – Минск : [б. и., 2015?]. – 83 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//504714(039)*1Н//508306(039)*1Н//504717(039)
On November 25, 2014, the House of Representatives of the Republic of Belarus hold parliamentary hearings “Public and private partnership: the international experience and the prospects for Belarus” organized by the Standing Commission of the House of Representatives for economic policy. The collection is published within the bounds of the EU/UNDP project “The consolidation of the national potential in applying the public-private partnership mechanisms in Belarus".
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Доклад Экономического Суда Содружества Независимых Государств, 2014 /СНГ, Экон. суд ; подгот. под рук. Л. Э. Каменковой. – Минск : [б. и.], 2015. – 89 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//509674К(039)*1Н//511136К(039)
The edition is intended to inform legislative, executive and judicial authorities – members of the CIS, authorities of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the CIS Economic Court in 2014.
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Оценка влияния нетарифных барьеров в ЕАЭС: результаты опросов предприятий : доклад № 30 // Евраз. банк развития, Центр интеграц. исслед. ; Е. Ю. Винокуров [и др.]. – СПб : ЦИИ ЕАБР, 2015. – 91 с.
The NLB call number: 1//506664К(039)*1//510242К(039)
After the foundation of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia have repeatedly declared the necessity of the elimination of withdrawals, restrictions and barriers for mutual trade in goods and services. This purpose is stated in the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty. The given report represents the results of the first investigation phase devoted to the estimation of economic benefits of the elimination within the limits of nontariff barriers in trade between the states-participants.
The report contains the results of interrogations and interviews with Belarusian, Kazakh and Russian enterprises and companies exporting goods and services on the markets of the Customs Union. In total 530 enterprises had been interrogated. These data allowed revealing the structured opinion of respondents on nontariff barriers they had to face when exporting to each of the states-partners.
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Оценка экономических эффектов отмены нетарифных барьеров в ЕАЭС : доклад № 29 // Европ. банк развития, Центр интеграц. исслед. ; Е. Ю. Винокуров [и др.]. – СПб : ЦИИ ЕАБР, 2015. – 67 с.
The NLB call number: 1//510240К(039)*1//506662К(039)
Nontariff barriers play the increasing role as a limiting factor of foreign trade flows in goods and services. The task of countries-members of the Eurasian Economic Union is to achieve an essential reduction of nontariff barriers inside the Union. The report presents the results of a quantitative estimation of the influence of nontariff barriers upon trade in goods and services between the countries-participants of the Eurasian Economic Union. Some methods of mathematic and economic analysis are applied, including gravitational models, econometrical calculations and statistical analysis. By means of computable models of common balance, general economic and sectoral effects of the elimination of nontariff barriers to Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia are calculated.
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Правила реализации программ трансграничного сотрудничества Европейского инструмента добрососедства / Европ. инструмент добрососедства и партнерства в Беларуси. – Минск : [б. и.], 2015. – 146 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//504876К(039)*1Н//504877К(039)
Cross-border cooperation (CBC) programs are the integral part of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). On August 19, 2014 the European Commission published the Guidance and Regulation relating to ENPI CBC programs which is obligatory for all participants. The preparation of the given publication was carried out together with the ENPI CBC Coordination Bureau in Belarus. The given publication can be useful to republican and local authorities, and also organizations and establishments of Belarus which take part in ENPI CBC programs or intend to join them.
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Программирование в рамках Европейского инструмента добрососедства на 2014-2020 гг. Стратегические приоритеты на 2014-2020 гг. и Многолетняя индикативная программа Программы Европейского инструмента добрососедства "Расширенное европейское добрососедство" на 2014-2020 гг. / Европ. инструмент добрососедства и партнерства в Беларуси. – Минск : [б. и.], 2015. – 52 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//504881К(039)*1Н//504882К(039)
The given publication was prepared in cooperation with the EU TACIS Program Coordination Bureau in Belarus. It can be useful to republican and local authorities, and also organizations and establishments of Belarus which take part in the EU’s International Technical Assistance Programs.
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IFC annual report, 2014: big challenges, big solutions / The Intern. Finance Corporation. – Washington : IFC, [2014]. – 106 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490572(039)
International Finance Corporation (IFC or the Corporation) is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. IFC s strategic focus areas are: strengthening the focus on frontier markets; addressing climate change and ensuring environmental and social sustainability; addressing constraints to private sector growth in infrastructure, health, education, and the food-supply chain; developing local financial markets; and building long-term client relationships in emerging markets. The Board of Directors of IFC has this annual report prepared in accordance with the Corporation’s by-laws. Jim Kim, President of the Board of Directors, has submitted this report with the audited financial statements to the Board of Governors.