Арабский кризис и его международные последствия / А. Д. Саватеев [и др.] ; под общ. ред. А. М. Васильева ; отв. ред.: А. Д. Саватеев, Л. М. Исаев ; Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т Африки РАН, Центр. цивилизац. и регион. исслед. – М. : URSS : Ленанд, 2014. – 250 с.
The NLB call number: 1//495595(039)
This monograph is the second composite authors’ publication based on the research of political crisis in the Arabian world carried out by the Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies of the Institute of Africa (the Russian Academy of Sciences). The book is divided into three parts. In the first roots and preconditions of political shocks, their development and results are analyzed. The second part is about the Islamic factor which is indissolubly connected with political processes and makes an integral part of Arabian society. Authors of the third part focus attention on challenges caused by revolts in separate Arabian countries and echoes of these shocks in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Директивы и регламенты Европейского союза нового и глобального подхода и гармонизированные европейские стандарты : каталог : по сост. на 1 апр. 2015 г. / Гос. ком. по стандратизации Респ. Беларусь, Белорус. гос. ин-т стандартизации и сертификации. – Минск : БелГИСС, 2015. – VIII, 344 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//505297К(039)
The offered catalog informs on the EU Directives and Regulations of the New and Global Approach stipulating for CE-marking of products and harmonized with the EU Directives and Regulations in force (April 1, 2015).
Realization of essential requirements of the EU Directives and Regulations of the New and Global Approach is provided by application of European standards harmonized with them. The harmonized European standards are accepted by the European Standardization Organization: the European Standardization Committee – СEN, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization – CENELEC, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute – ETSI.
Зимарин, К. А. Формирование европейской финансовой системы: вопросы теории и практики / К. А. Зимарин. – М. : Экономика, 2012. –228, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//498444(039)*1//503102(039)
The monograph analyzes pressing questions of the European common financial system against the background of integration processes in Europe. The author proves that the major aspect of economic integration within the limits of the European Union (EU) is the integration of financial markets. Thus a special attention is given to the questions of formation of a uniform infrastructure for the European financial system, including a uniform payment system in eurozone. The monograph is designed for science officers and researchers engaged in studying various aspects of economic integration of the European Union member countries, and especially for experts in regional financial systems based on uniform currency.
Котляр, В. С. Международное право и современные стратегические концепции США и НАТО / В. С. Котляр. – 2-е изд., доп. – Казань : Центр инновац. технологий, 2008. – 479 с.
The NLB call number: 1//501150(039)
The publication presents the results of the international legal analysis of strategic concepts of the USA and NATO which are today main foreign policy partners of Russia. A number of pressing questions are examined, in particular the application of force in international relationships in a view of the acting international law. The NATO strategic concept 1999 appropriating their "right" to military campaigns, its further evolution and the problem of humanitarian interventions are investigated. The questions of political rapprochement of Russia, the USA and NATO after the events on September 11th, 2001 and the USA tendency to tightening strategic and nuclear policy after these events, which is reflected in the USA Doctrines of National Security 2002 and 2006, are examined. The question of the impact of the USA new doctrines upon the strategy of the NATO member countries and transformation of the block is analyzed. In summary the prospects of interaction and partnership Russia-NATO are considered and some ideas on their consolidation are stated.
The publication is designed for experts engaged in analyzing or carrying out of foreign policy of Russia, listeners and students studying international relationships, and also for all readers interested in these questions.
Международные стандарты финансовой отчетности : офиц. пер. текста Междунар. стандартов финансовой отчетности по сост. на 17 июня 2013 г. : консолидир. версия. – М. : Аскери-АССА, 2013. – XXII, 1075 с.
The NLB call number: 1//498783К(039)
The purpose of the given ISFA is high-quality and usable information of the first and interim financial accountings of an enterprise, comparable to all other periods and providing a comprehensible starting point for book keeping, according to the International Standards of Financial Accounting.
Доклад Генерального директора Ассамблеям ВОИС: события минувшего года : годовой отчет / ВОИС. – Женева : ВОИС, 2014. – 20, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1И//490789К(039)
The WIPO annual report covering the organization’s activity from September 2013.
Разработка программы Европейского инструмента соседства (ЕИС) – 2014-2020. Стратегический документ и многолетняя индикативная программа поддержки Беларуси Европейским союзом (2014–2017). – Минск : [б. и., 2015?]. – 88 с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//504375К(039)*1Н//504376К(039)
The International Technical Assistance (ITA) of the European Union (EU) to countries-partners within the limits of bilateral cooperation is presented on the basis of certain programming papers. For Belarus, such papers are the country strategy and the long-term indicative program 2014-2017 developed by the European Service of External Acton and the European Commission on the ground of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU and strategic papers on social and economic development of Belarus.
The publication is prepared by the EU ITA experts and the EU Office in Belarus. It can be useful to republican public authorities, local authorities, and also organizations and institution of Belarus engaged in the programming of cooperation between Belarus and the EU in 2014–2020, and also in carrying out of the ITA programs in general.
Саверчанка, І. В. Міжнароднае супрацоўніцтва Беларусі: гісторыя і новыя выклікі / І. В. Саверчанка. – Мінск : Харвест, 2015. – 91, [4] с.
The NLB call number: 1Н//503975(039)*1Н//503977(039)
The book presents the evolution of Belarusian foreign policy from the 11th to the 21st centuries; analyzes the theories of international relationships and strategies of foreign policy of great countries and regional unions; describes priority trends of modern foreign policy of Belarus, and suggests optimal models of international cooperation.
For experts in international relationships, philosophers, political scientists, historians and all readers concerned.
Учет финансовых инструментов в соответствии с МСФО / М. Бейерсдорф [и др.] ; пер. с англ.: Л. В. Копочель, М. Г. Чубов. – М. : Альпина Паблишер, 2013. – 918 с.
The NLB call number: 1//499546(039)
The new publication by EY Company is based on its annual guide on application of IAS 2013. The publication covers the questions of fiscal accounting according to International Accounting Standard. Information presented in the book will be useful for drawing up, audit and analysis of financial reporting prepared according to IAS requirements.
Europe: what’s it all about? / Europ. Communities, Europ. Commiss. – Luxembourg : Publ. Office of the Europ. Union, 2013. – 55 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//506817К(039)
The publication “Europe: What’s it all about” was originally published in Germany by “action europa” (Federal Government, European Parliament, European Commission) under the name of Europa: das Wissensmagazin fuer Jugendliche. It has been revised and updated by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication.
Guidelines on freedom of Peaceful Assembly / Organization for Security and Coop. in Europe, Office for Dem. Institutions and Human Rights ; prep. by N. Belyaeva [et al.]. – 2nd ed. – Warsaw : OSCE/ODIHR, 2010. – 160 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490282(039)
The Guidelines offer a practical toolkit for legislators and practitioners responsible for implementing laws by drawing on good-practice examples from national legislations in European and OSCE participating States and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights to illustrate the various legislative options used to regulate issues pertaining to the freedom of assembly.
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Council of Europe’s Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) have been providing legislative support to OSCE participating states and Council of Europe members to assist them in ensuring that their legislation on freedom of peaceful assembly complies with European and international standards and OSCE commitments. The development of these Guidelines is a cornerstone of this assistance, adding to ODIHR’s LegislatiOnline.org database, where lawmakers can obtain good examples from other countries’ legislation that can help them frame their own choices. This document is the second, revised edition of the ODIHR-Venice Commission Guidelines on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, which were first published in 2007.
Guide to the international registration of industrial designs under the Hague Agreement : (update. Jan. 2015) / World Intellectual Property Organization. – Geneva : WIPO, 2015. – Паг. разд.
The NLB call number: 1И//490806К(039)
The Hague Agreement is an international registration system which offers the possibility of obtaining protection for industrial designs in a number of States and/or intergovernmental organizations (both referred to as “Contracting Parties”) by means of a single international application filed with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Thus, under the Hague Agreement, a single international application replaces a whole series of applications which, otherwise, should have been effected with different national (or regional) Offices.
How the European Union works : your guide to the EU institutions / Europ. Communities, Europ. Commiss. – Luxembourg : Publ. Office of the Europ. Union, 2012. – 39 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//506833К(039)
This publication is a guide on how the European Union (EU) works. “How the EU works” means: how decisions are taken at EU level and who takes those decisions. At the heart of this decision-making process are the EU institutions – such as the Parliament, the Council and the European Commission – which you may have heart of, and there are others.
International survey on text and image copyright levies, 2014 / World Intellectual Property Organization. – Geneva : WIPO, 2014. – 117 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490791К(039)
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO) are pleased to present this first international survey on copyright levies in the text and image sector. The publication provides an international overview of the functioning of the various models of text and image levies which are currently in operation across the world. The survey demonstrates that the practice of operating levies is a commonly used way to provide authors and publishers with remuneration for certain uses of their copyright works. This publication has been prepared within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement concluded between WIPO and IFRRO in 2003. This provides a basis for the two organisations to work together in promoting awareness about the practice and operation of the copyright system worldwide.
National bioethics committees in action / UNESCO. – Paris : UNESCO, 2010. – 115 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//506574(039)
A ‘Bioethics Committee’ is a committee that systematically and continually addresses the ethical dimensions of the health sciences, the life sciences, and innovative health policies. The term “bioethics committee” simply signals that a group (a chairperson and members) are meeting regularly to address issues that are not simply factual, but are profoundly normative. That is, they do not convene to determine only what is or is not the case regarding some realm of interest, but to answer the question: ‘How ought we to decide and act?’
Noueihed, L. The battle for the Arab Spring: revolution, counter-revolution and the making of a new era / L. Noueihed, A. Warren. – New Haven ; London : Yale Univ. Press, 2012. – XI, 350 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//375362(039)
Sparked by the protest of a single vegetable seller in Tunisia, the flame of revolutionary passion swept across the Arab world in what has come to be called the Arab Spring of 2011. Millions took to the streets in revolt: the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya fell, other regimes remain embattled, and no corner of the region has escaped unchanged. In this informed and accessible book, Lin Noueihed and Alex Warren explain the economic and political roots of the Arab Spring, assess what has been accomplished so far, and consider the many stumbling blocks that confront the Arab nations as they try to shape their futures.
Through research, interviews, and a wealth of firsthand experience, the authors explain the unique set of obstacles that endanger stability in each country. They analyze the challenges many Arab nations face in building democratic institutions, finding consensus on political Islam, overcoming tribal divides, and satisfying an insatiable demand for jobs. In an era of change and uncertainty, this insightful guide provides the first clear glimpse of the post-revolutionary future the Arab Spring set in motion.
Review of implementation of the Espoo Convention = Examen de l’application de la Convention d’Espoo = Рассмотрение осуществления Конвенции Эспо / UN, Econ. Commiss. for Europe. – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2008. – 144 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//506578К(039)
The global innovation index, 2014 : the human factor in innovation / World Intellectual Property Organization ; ed. by S. Dutta, B. Lanvin, S. Wunsch-Vincent ; Cornell Univ. ; INSEAD. – Geneva : WIPO, 2014. – XXV, 400 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490787К(039)
The Global Innovation Index 2014: The Human Factor in innovation the result of a collaboration between Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as co-publishers, and their Knowledge Parthens. The terms “country”, “economy”, and “nation” as used in this report do not in all cases refer to a territorial entity that is state as understood by international law and practice.
The terms cower well-defined, geographically self-contained economic areas that may not be states but for which statistical data are marinated on a separate and independent basis.