
It's Time to Create a Herbarium!

29 Jul 2020

We invite you to an interesting creative activity. There is only one month of summer left, and there are many different plants around us. We offer to collect flowers and herbs, create your own herbarium and compare with the images on old prints. Did plants look like this 500 years ago? Place modern flowers next to an engraving from the past and compare!

National Library of Belarus News

Ahead of Time

24 Jul 2020

The exhibition "Ahead of Time", displayed in the circular corridor of the Library's 3rd floor, is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of science fiction writers Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury.

Book exhibitions

July 15 Marks 610 Years Since the Battle of Grunwald (1410)

15 Jul 2020

The famous battle between the combined army of the Polish Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (led by the King of Poland Jagiello and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas) and the army of the Teutonic Order under the command of Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen took place during the Great War (1409-1411) near the villages of Grunwald, Tanenberg and Ludwigsdorf (Ludwigova) on the territory of East Prussia (modern Poland).

Through the Pages of the Belarusian Calendar

At the Top of Life and Literature: to the 120th Anniversary of Uladzimir Dubouka

14 Jul 2020

We are introducing a new section of the virtual project “On the Wave of Time, Throughout the Life”, organized by the National Library of Belarus, the State Museum of the History of the Belarusian Literature, the Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art and “Maladost” journal on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the formation of the literary association “Maladnyak”.

To the 100th Anniversary of “Maladnyak"

About the Main Library of the Country On Air On Belarus 1

13 Jul 2020

The National Library of Belarus is one of the main attractions of the Republic. In 2006, the Belarusian “Diamond of Knowledge” became an innovator not only in architecture but also in technological solutions. Representatives of 120 countries are now among the readers of the Library. This has been made possible thanks to the information trends that employees of the institution are quick to pick up.

National Library of Belarus News

I Found Myself in a Song

8 Jul 2020

The anniversary exhibition "I Found Myself in a Song" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the composer David Tukhmanov is on show from July 8 to November 3 in the Music and Audiovisual Documents Reading Room (room 305).

Book exhibitions

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Vitebsk  –  the city of craftsmen and artists

26 Jun 2024

The exhibition "Vitebsk  –  the city of craftsmen and artists", dedicated to the 1050th anniversary of the founding of the city, takes place from June 26 to August 26 in the Belarusian Literature reading room (room 205).

We remember, we are proud!

25 Jun 2024

Since June 25, the exhibition "We remember, we are proud!" has been held in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306), dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

Prosper, my country!

24 Jun 2024

Every year on July 3, the day of the liberation of Minsk from the Nazi invaders, our country celebrates the main state holiday – Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.

Musical Evenings: Jazz Summer

20 Jun 2024

On June 27, at 19.00 in the National Library of Belarus in the Panorama Gallery on the 22nd floor, a series of cultural and educational events "Musical evenings" will start.