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The UN: for peace and creation

The UN: for peace and creation
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From October 16th, 2009, to November 16th, 2009, in official documents department (the 2nd floor, room 207) is open a book exhibition “The UN: for peace and creation” dedicated to the United Nations Day.

This day is observed annually on October 24th as the birthday of the United Nations Organization. This day in 1945 the Charter of the United Nations had come into force, and in 1971 the General Assembly recommended that all the states-members of the United Nations observed it as the state holiday(the resolution 2782 (XXVI))

Observation of the UN Day serves as a reminder that the planet is our common house, and by means of general dialogue and cooperation it is possible to solve the urgent issues. Traditionally, meetings, discussions and exhibitions dedicated to the purposes of the United Nations and its achievements are held all over the world this day.

The United Nations is the unique international organization established for maintenance of peace and safety all over the world, development of friendly relations between countries and assistance to social progress.

Activity of the United Nations is many-sided and covers the large variety of the important problems from steady development and fight against terrorism, encouragements of democracy and development of a control system to the environment protection and solving of global medical problems; from disarmament to development of food stuffs production.

In any corner of the world the United Nations is a vivid incarnation of hope. This community, capable to put an end to violence and to implant tolerance; to promote development and to provide equality; to protect human rights and to reduce scales of poverty. Working in full force, the United Nations can promote realization of these high expectations of humanity.

Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the United Nations Organization is one of priority directions of Belarusian foreign policy. The Belarusian delegation constantly participates in regular and special sessions of the General Assembly, the UN Economic and Social Council and other leading bodies of the United Nations. The Republic of Belarus always aspired to take an active position within the framework of the United Nations on crucial questions and problems of the international agenda and, that is the most important, to bring the real contribution to the solving of the given problems.

The exposition includes the following subject sections:

  • The basic data on the UN;
  • Human rights;
  • International law;
  • Humanitarian issues;
  • Maintenance of peace and international safety;
  • Economic and social development;
  • The UN and the Republic of Belarus.

More than 100 documents from the stock of National Library of Belarus are displayed at the exposition: books, periodicals, mimeographed materials of the United Nations, brochures and booklets in Russian and English languages.

The exhibition is designed for specialists in the international law and international relations, political scientists, students and professors as well as for everyone who is interested in the activity of the United Nations.


The quest tour "The road of the Great Victory"

16 May 2024

On May 15, on the International Family Day, the National Library of Belarus was visited by members of the Belarusian Association of parents with many children in the Pervomaisky district of Minsk. They took part in the quest tour "The road of the Great Victory", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

National Library of Belarus News