MainNewsPortraits: the history of the library in person

To commemorate Zoya Diakonova's 110th birthday

31 Dec 2022

Zoya Diakonova was born in Smolensk in the family of a priest. In 1930, she graduated from the 2nd Smolensk nine-year political and educational school and was accepted as the head of the hut-reading room of the Romnensky village Council of the Novosokolnichesky district of the Western Region (now the Smolensk region). The young woman was "mobilised to work in a school" in the village of Zhukovo six months later, combining her teaching duties with her role as a senior pioneer leader.

Portraits: the history of the library in person

Elena Kosinskaya, a highly qualified librarian and outstanding bibliographer, began her career at the National Library 50 years ago

6 Oct 2022

The staff of the National Library congratulates Elena Ivanovna on her professional anniversary and wishes her health and success, easy and successful implementation of all creative ideas, new achievements in the library business. Let your life be filled with warm meetings, joyful events, smiles and attention of your family and friends.

Portraits: the history of the library in person

Happy 85th birthday to Valentina Korneevna Zhak, a longtime employee of the National Library of Belarus

1 Oct 2022

Valentina Korneevna is congratulated on her fantastic anniversary on behalf of the entire National Library of Belarus staff, and we wish her good health for many years to come, brilliant happiness, joy of the heart, and joy of the soul! Allow each day to be filled with amazing occurrences, love, and caring for individuals near to your heart.

Portraits: the history of the library in person

To the 85th anniversary from the birth date of a veteran of the National library of Belarus Tamara Egorovna Piseckaya

16 Aug 2022

Tamara Egorovna was born in 1937 in the village Vasylievka, Kruglyansk region, Mogilev district, in the family of farmers. She finished seven-form school in 1951 and had moved in to Chelyabinsk (Russia) three years after. A young Tamara has worked as an iron and steel founding worker there and then as a time-keeper in the turbine workshop of the Chelyabinsk heat and power station.

Portraits: the history of the library in person

Congratulations on the anniversary of the honored worker of culture of the Republic of Belarus, a high professional librarian Lyudmila Gennadyevna Kiryukhina!

24 Jun 2022

On behalf of the entire staff of the National Library of Belarus, I sincerely wish Lyudmila good health and longevity, women's happiness, comfort and prosperity in everything. Let your life be filled with warm meetings, joyful events, smiles and attention of your family and friends.

Portraits: the history of the library in person


Seminar "Belarus – republic-partizan"

10 Jul 2024

As part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders, the National Library of Belarus is implementing the project "The Names of Heroes are immortal".

Dancers' Painter

5 Jul 2024

The book and illustrative exhibition "Dancers' Painter", dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of the French impressionist artist Edgar Degas (1834–1917), takes place from July 5 to August 25 in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306).

Modernity and the future of the Earth's population

2 Jul 2024

From July 2 to August 5, in the documents of international rganizations of the National Library of Belarus (2nd floor, room 207g), a thematic book exhibition "Modernity and the future of the Earth's Population" takes place. The exhibition is dedicated to World Population Day, the 75th anniversary of the formation of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the 30th the anniversary of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and UNFPA .