Military literature and memoirs for the period of 1914–1947
A selection of the books published in 1914–1947 from the funds of the National Library of Belarus
Брусилов, А.А. … Мои воспоминания / Алексей Алексеевич Брусилов; Посмертное изд. – Л. ; М.: Госуд. изд-во. Огд. воен. литературы, тип. «Красный пролетарий» в Мск., 1929. – 219, [14] с. : портр. и схем.
The edition with the memoirs of A. Brusilov, a prominent military figure, the greatest military commander of World War I, is considered one of the best works on a military theme. The first edition of the memoirs was released in 1929. The work is a valuable historical document containing a great number of facts. The edition reflects the author's world view, the degree of his political maturity, his personal likes and dislikes to contemporaries.
Великая война 1915 г. : очерк главн. операций Рус. зап. фронт : с прил. 2-х схем в тексте и Заметки «Кавказ. фронт» со схемой. – 2-е доп. изд. – Пг. : Изд. Суворина, 1916. – 60 с.
The book analyses the Russian military operations taken place in the Western Front in 1915. The period of the Wilno-Molodechno operation at the front of the Western Dvina is described on 40 – 46 p.
Великая война : иллюстрир. хроника / Сост. под ред. Ф.К. Иванова. – М. : [Смирнов], 1915–1916. – 232 с. – Ч. 2. – 6 л. карт. – Беспл. прил. к газ. «Моск. листок».
The second part contains the events taken place from the 5th month to the 8th month of World War I at various fronts (20 November 1914 – 20 March 1915). There are attached maps of the theater of military operations. The edition includes a great number of illustrations and photos of participants and places of military operations.
Великая война : иллюстрир. хроника / Сост. под ред. Ф.К. Иванова. – М. : [Смирнов], 1915–1916. – Ч. 3. – 160 с. – Беспл. прил. к газ. «Моск. листок».
Ч. 3.
The third part describes the military events taken place from 20 March to 20 May, 1915. The edition has many illustrations.
Веверн, Б.В. 6-я батарея, 1914–1917 гг. : повесть о времени великого служения Родине : [в 2 т.] / Б.В. Веверн. – Париж : Тип. Я.П. Никишина,1938. – [Т. 1] / Предисл. Н.Н. Головина. – 171, [1] с.
It is a fascinating book describing in details the military operations and living conditions of the 6th battery from the moment of the general mobilization (July 1914) till the period of a spontaneous demoralization of the Russian Front (1917). The 1st part describes mobilization, sending the battery to the front as a part of the 52nd Artillery Brigade; participation in battles at the Vistula, etc.; battle at Brest-Litovsk (1915), military operations near the town of Przemysl, in the Carpathians and others.
Веверн, Б.В. 6-я батарея, 1914–1917 гг. : повесть о времени великого служения Родине : [в 2 т.] / Б.В. Веверн. – Париж : Тип. Я.П. Никишина, 1938 – Т. 2. – 183, [1] с.
The book provides a detailed description of military operations and living conditions of the 6th Battery since 23 April, 1915: a retreat to Galicia, a retreat on the Russian territory, trench warfare in 1915 – the early 1917.
Гай, Г.Дз. Да дваццацігоддзя імперыялістычнай вайны / Г.Дз. Гай. – Мн. : Дзяржвыд-ва Беларусі, агітмассектар, 1934. – 15 с.
The material is placed in three parts: "Engels’ prophecy made long before the war"; "The global nature of the war of 1914–1918"; "The threat of a new world war".
Галактионов, Н. О роли второго фронта против Германии в первую мировую войну / Н. Галактионов. – [М.] : Госполитиздат, 1943. – 20 с.
Данилов, Ю.Н. Россия в мировой войне, 1914–1915 гг. / Ю.Н. Данилов. – Берлин : Слово, 1924 (Druck Max Mattisson). – 399 с., 3 л. портр., план.
The book of the memoirs of a participant of World War I, who was the Quartermaster-General of the Supreme Commander in Chief, describes the military events of 1914–1915, analyses the causes of the war, military operations on various fronts, the activities of the Ministry of War of the Russian Empire and public organizations. The book ends with a description of the Sventsiany Breakthrough and a state of military affairs on the European front at the end of 1915.
Евсеев, Н. Свенцянский прорыв (1915 г.) : воен. действия на вост. фронте мировой войны в сент.-окт. 1915 г. / Н. Евсеев ; Краснознам. и ордена Ленина воен. акад. РККА им. В. Фрунзе. – М. : Гос. воен. изд-во, 1936. – 272 с.
The author describes military operations on the Eastern Front taken place in September-October 1915. The 7th chapter tells about combat operations at Lake Narach between the Vilia and Berezina rivers (p. 136–159). The Sventsiany Breakthrough became the last military operation in the Eastern European theatre in a maneuverable period.
The book contains many schemes of combat operations, analytical and statistical information.
Зайончковский, А.М. Мировая война 1914–1918 гг. : в 2 т. / А.М. Зайончковский. – 3-е изд. – М. : Гос. воен. изд-во Наркомата обороны Союза ССР, 1938–1939. – Т. 1 : Кампании 1914–1915 гг. – 383 с. : схемы.
The extensive work of the famous military historian A. Zayonchkovsky describes military operations of World War I in the period of 1914–1918. The author considers the armed forces of the parties, examines the plans for the war, covers briefly a course of the war on all fronts. He makes conclusions of tactical nature, notices new phenomena in the field of martial arts that have emerged in the course of the armed struggle. The work doesn’t touch the theme of the causes of the war. The author states that it isn’t time to make a comprehensive analysis. Military events aren’t reviewed from the point of view of the social, political and economic conditions, there is nothing said about the impact of the revolutionary movement on them.
The 3rd edition is published in three volumes, two of which contain texts, and the third –schemes. The book has many photos, drawings and schemes.
Зайончковский, А.М. Первая мировая война / А.М. Зайончковский. – СПб. : Полигон, 2000. – 878 с., [32] л. цв. карт.– (Военно-историческая б-ка : ВИБ). – С. 509–512; 534–564.
A. Zayonchkovsky’s historical works on World War I are the first editions based on domestic and foreign archival materials that are valuable by the collected extensive material represented briefly.
Зайончковский, А.М. Мировая война 1914–1918 гг. [в 3 т.] / А.М. Зайончковский. – [3-е изд.]. – М. : Воениздат, 1939. – Т. 3 : Схемы с № 1 по № 64 / Сост. комбриг А. Де-Лазари. – 8 с. ; 64 отд. л. схем. в папке.
A. Zayonchkovsky’s works have been considered the most comprehensive study in the Soviet historiography of World War I until 1976. The atlas of schemes made by A. De Lazari is a valuable addition to A. Zayonchkovsky’s work on World War I. All the schemes of the most important operations of World War I include explanatory texts. .
Alexander De Lazari (1880–1942) is Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff of the Russian Empire, one of the first commanders of the Red Army, a military scientist and the first historian of the troops of the Radiation Chemical and Biological Defence of the Russian Federation, Major-General (1940).
Краткий стратегический очерк войны 1914–1918 гг. Русский фронт / [Сост. участник войны]. – М. : Изд. редакции «Военное дело», [1918–1919]. – Вып. 1. – 280 с. : схемы.
The first part of the work covers the beginning period of the war – events from 19 July to 1 September, 1914; the invasion of East Prussia, the Battle of Tannenberg; the defeat of the 1st Army of General Rennenkampf; the Battle of Galicia.
Крах немецкой оккупации в Белоруссии в 1918 году : (сб. док. Партархива ЦК КП(б) Белоруссии) / Сост.: Ф.О. Попов, В.А. Беляева. – Мн. : Госиздат БССР. Ред. полит. лит., 1947. – 198 c.
The volume contains materials of the Party Archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) on the history of the defeat of the German occupation on the territory of Belarus in 1918, during the World War I.
Кузнецов, Б.И. Использование артиллерии и химического оружия в Первой мировой войне : конспект / Б.И. Кузнецов ; Краснознам. ордена Ленина и ордена Суворова 1-й степени воен. акад. им. М.В. Фрунзе. Кафедра истории воен. искусства. – [М.] : Типолит. Воен. акад. им. Фрунзе, 1947. – 32 с.
There are examined the history of the development of artillery and chemical weapons during World War I for the period of 1914–1918 in connection with the general development of military tactics and weapons of the enemy.
Кузнецов, Ф.Е. Брусиловский прорыв / Ф.Е. Кузнецов. – [М.] : Госполитиздат, тип. «Красный пролетарий», 1944. – 39 с.
The book describes the offensive operation of the Southwestern Front of the Russian Army in 1916 under the command of General A. Brusilov during which the Russian Army inflicted a serious defeat the Austro-Hungarian army of the enemy.
Людендорф, Э. Мои военные воспоминания : 1914-1918 гг : [в 2 т.] / Э. Людендорф ; пер. О.Г. Морович. – Krsko : Изд. Торг. Дом Milan Auman & Co, б.г. – Т. 1. – 338, [1] с.
The author as one of the prominent figures of the German General Staff gives vivid images of his operational and organizational work. There are examined the organizational work of the German General Staff which resulted in a strictly circumspect imperialistic system of conducting a large-scale war.
Людендорф, Э. Мои воспоминания о войне 1914–1918 гг. : [в 2 т.] / Э. Людендорф. – М., 1924. – Т. 2. – 315 с.; схемы.
Мировая война в цифрах : [сб. материалов о ходе воен. действий, вооружениях и армиях боровшихся сторон] / Ин-т мирового хоз-ва и мировой политики, Ком. акад. ; Сост. Вишнев и др. – М. ; Л. : Военгиз, 1934. – 128 с. : табл.
The book contains digital and factual materials about the course of military operations, weapons and armies of the fighting parties, information about the material scope of war and the burden of war costs of World War I in 1914–1918.
Михайлович, З.З. Зверства немцев в войну 1914–1918 гг. : (из док. Первой мировой войны) / Сост.: З.З. Михайлович и Л.И. Полянская ; Архив. отдел Упр. НКВД по Ленингр. обл. ; предисл. Е.В. Тарле. – Л.: Лениздат, 1943. – 116 с. : ил.
The book contains documents from the fund of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry on the investigation of violations of legal acts or customs of war by the Austro-Hungarian and German troops, as well as official reports of various organizations, institutions and representatives of the military command.
Навумаў, Н. Вайна 1914–1918 гг. / Н. Наумаў ; пер. з рус. мовы П. Барсукова. – Мн. : Дзяржвыд Беларусі. Вайск. сектар, 1931. – 190, [2] с.
The book covers the primary conditions and the most important factors of the beginning of World War I in 1914–1918, indicates the main countries – participants of the war, as well as the main moments of military operations and their results.
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БА217625 Носков, А.А. Вильна-Молодечненская операция, август – сентябрь 1915 г. / А.А. Носков; Вещий. – Петроград : издание Б. А. Суворина, 1916. – 15 с., [1] л. схем. – (Б-ка «Вечернего времени»). |
Пакроўскі, М.М. Імперыялістычная вайна : зб. арт., 1915–1930 / М.М. Пакроўскі ; пер. з 2-га дап. рус. выд. А. Салагуб. – Мн. : Дзярж. выд-ва Беларусі, 1931. – 388, [2] с.
The book is a collection of articles about World War I written by the author in the period of 1915–1930.
Подорожный, Н.Е. Нарочская операция в марте 1916 г. на русском фронте мировой войны / Н.Е. Подорожный. – М. : Воениздат. Тип. Воениздата в Ленинграде, 1938. – 180 с. : схемы.
After studying the Central Military Historical Archive and documents from the German sources, the author describes the military actions of the Russian forces in the offensive launched in March, 1916 by the 2nd Russian army in the direction of Swieciany. There is given a detailed description of the military operations of the 2nd Army and the army of the enemy, analyzed the results of the military operation and the activities of Russian generals, etc. The book is a collection of the author’s articles about the events of World War I written in the period of 1915–1927.
Покровский, М.Н. Империалистская война / М.Н. Покровский. – М. : ИКА, 1928. – 296 с.
The book is a collection of the author’s articles about the events of World War I written in the period of 1915–1927.
Покровский, М.Н. Царская Россия и война / М.Н. Покровский. – М. : Гос. изд-во, 1924. – 87, [1] с.
The book contains materials on Diplomatic Relations of Imperial Russia, established in the winter of 1914–1915 during World War I, some of the official documents of those years, as well as secret telegrams.
Приказания по войскам X Армии за 1916 год, №№ 1–327. – Мн. : б. и., 1916? –649 с.: табл.
The collection contains materials about orders to the troops of the 10th Army of the Western Front for the period of 1916, which reveal the nuances of military life, economic and health issues, give an idea of the life of the military and the civilian population in a specified time period.
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БА156242 Рудаев, Б.Я. Отчет, декабрь 1915 – май 1916 г. : доклад заведующего Статистическим отделом Б.Я. Рудаева IV общему собранию Комитета Западного фронта В.С.Г. 22 июня 1916 г. / Б.Я. Рудаев; Всерос. союз городов, Ком. Западного фронта, Стат. отдел. – Витебск : Типолитография Селютина, 1916. – 32, XII, IX, [3] с., [11] л. табл., диаграмм : табл. |
Савин, М.В. Роль русского фронта в первой мировой войне (1914–1918 гг.) : Стеногр. публ. лекции полк. М.В. Савина прочит. 24-го янв. 1944 г. в Москве / М.В. Савин; Лекцион. бюро при Ком-те по делам высшей школы при СНК СССР. – М., 1944. – 21 с.
The book tells about the crucial role of the Russian front and the Russian Army in World War I that led, ultimately, to the defeat of the German army.
Стратегический очерк войны 1914–1918 гг. / Сост. Я.К. Цихович ; Комиссия по исследованию и использованию опыта мировой и гражданской войны. – М. : Высш. воен. ред. сов., 1922. – Ч. 1 : Период от объявления войны до начала сентября 1914 г. Первое вторжение русских армий в Восточную Пруссию и Галицийская битва. – 240 с.
The first part of the work covers the initial period of a declaration of the war before the beginning of September 1914, in particular the first invasion of the Russian armies in East Prussia and the Battle of Galicia.
Стратегический очерк войны 1914–1918 г. / Сост. Г. Корольков. – М. : Высш. воен. редакц. совет, 1923. – Ч. 2 : Период с 1 (14) сент. по 15 (28) нояб. 1914 г. Августовское сражение… – 186 с.
The second part covers the period from 1 (14) September till 15 (28) November, 1914: the Winter Battle of the Masurian Lakes, the Warsaw-Ivangorod operation, Krakow and Lodz operations, the Battle of Galicia and operations in Carpathian Mountains, etc.
Стратегический очерк войны 1914–1918 гг. / Комиссия по исслед. и использованию опыта мировой и гражданской войны. – М. : Высш. воен. революц. совет, 1922–1923. – Ч. 3. : Период с 12 (25) нояб. 1914 г. по 15 (28) марта 1915 г. : (с прил. 13 схем-карт) / сост. А. Незнамов. – 1922. – IV, 88 с. + карты-схемы.
The third part of the work contains information about the military events of World War I for the period from 12 (25) November, 1914 till 15 (28) March, 1915. The edition includes an application with 13 maps.
Стратегический очерк войны 1914–1918 гг. / Комиссия по исслед. и использованию опыта мировой и гражданской войны. – М. : Высш. воен. революц. совет, 1922–1923. – Ч. 4 / сост. А. Незнамов. – [1922]. – 136 с., [12] л. карт.
The fourth part of the work contains information about the military events of World War I for the period from March to October, 1915.
Стратегический очерк войны 1914–1918 гг.: период с окт. 1915 г. по сент. 1916 г / Комиссия по исслед. и использованию опыта мировой и гражданской войны.. / Сост. В.Н. Клембовский. – М., 1920. – Ч. 5 : Позиционная война и прорыв австрийцев Юго-Западным фронтом. – 123 с.
The fifth part of the work contains information about the military events of World War I for the period from October 1915 till September 1916. The edition includes an application with schemes.
Стратегический очерк войны 1914–1918 г. / Воен.-ист. комиссия. – М. : Высш. Воен. Ред. Совет, 1923. – Ч. 7 :Кампания 1917 г. / Сост. А. Зайончковский; предисл. Р. Пикеля. – 1923. – 188 с.
The seventh part contains a strategic outline of the 1917campaign taken by the Russian army. The edition includes the analysis of the military operations and the revolutionary events occurred in 1917 during World War I. The edition includes schemes.
Таленский, Н.А. Первая мировая война (1914–1918 гг.) : (боевые действия на суше и на море) / Н.А. Таленский. – М. : Госполитиздат, 1944. – 124, [2] с. : карты.
N. Talensky’s work is a brief outline of the fighting in World War I. The work contains almost no assessments.
Федорченко, С.З. Народ на войне / С.З. Федорченко. – М. : Новая Москва, 1923. – 167 с. – (Б-ка современников).
The book includes the materials of conversations with the frontline soldiers of the Russian army in 1915–1916.
Фогель, В. Барановичи. 1916 г. / Вальтер Фогель ; пер. с нем. изд. Германского Гос. архива А.И. Далина ; под ред. П.И. Изместьева. – Петербург : Гос. изд-во, 1921. – 57 с. – (Мировая война в отдельных операциях / Отд. воен. лит. при Революц. воен. совете Респ.).
A separate volume of the German state archive devoted to the description of fights at Baranovichy in1916. The book offers the German point of view on the military operation and is of great interest for studying the tactical details of military operations, the analysis of mental state of fighters.
Хмельков, С.А. Борьба за Осовец : [1915 г.] / С.А. Хмельков. – М. : Воениздат, 1939. – 96 с. с илл., черт., план. и схем. 2 вкл. л. схем. – (Воен.-ист. Б-ка).
The book describes the structure and state of the fortress of Osovets by the beginning of World War I, as well as its strategic importance and participation in the fight against the Germans in 1915.
Das 41. Reserve-Korps von der Somme zum Pripjat [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : mit 438 Bildern. – München : R. Piper & Co., 1918. – 232 S. : Phot.
Die Kämpfe um Baranowitschi, Sommer 1916 : unter Benutzung der amtlichen Quellen des Reichsarchivs / bearbeitet von Walther Vogel. – Oldenburg : Gerhard Stalling, 1921. – 76, [2] с. : іл., фат. ; 22 см. + 4 карты. – (Schlachten des Weltkrieges : in Eizeldarstellungen bearbeitet und herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung des Reichsarchivs ; H. 2).
On a hot scent of World War I the German State Archives began to publish descriptions of the most striking and instructive contentious issues of tactical operations and battles in the war.
The book by the German author Walter Vogel tells in detail about the battles and events that took place in the summer of 1916 near Baranovichy. Photos in the edition are of great interest.