
Lightly about the serious

26 Mar 2015

On April 1st, a soiree of humor “Lightly about the serious” takes place at the National Library. The event is arranged by the library, the publishing house “Chetyre chetvetri” and the Union of Writers of Belarus.

National Library of Belarus News

Seeking and finding

17 Mar 2015

From March 17th to April 16th, a book exhibition “Seeking and finding” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Aleksey Ragulia runs in the Belarusian literature reading room (auditorium 205).

Book exhibitions

Delivery of passports and the BRSM membership cards

16 Mar 2015

On March 13th, the National Library hosted a solemn ceremony of delivery of passports and the BRSM (Belarusian Republican Union of Youth) membership cards to the best representatives of studying youth of the Pervomajski District of Minsk, as part of the All-Belarusian action “We are citizens of the Republic of Belarus”.

National Library of Belarus News

Test access to IMFeLibrary

16 Mar 2015

The National Library of Belarus provides test access to the electronic library of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The resource is available to users of the National Library and partner organizations in the Virtual reading room.

National Library of Belarus News

The Altar Gospel

13 Mar 2015

The book Museum offers a one book exhibition “The Altar Gospel” timed to the Day of the Orthodox Book and the 440th anniversary of Piotr Mstislavec’s Gospel.

Book exhibitions

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Seminar "Belarus – republic-partizan"

10 Jul 2024

As part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders, the National Library of Belarus is implementing the project "The Names of Heroes are immortal".

Dancers' Painter

5 Jul 2024

The book and illustrative exhibition "Dancers' Painter", dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of the French impressionist artist Edgar Degas (1834–1917), takes place from July 5 to August 25 in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306).

Modernity and the future of the Earth's population

2 Jul 2024

From July 2 to August 5, in the documents of international rganizations of the National Library of Belarus (2nd floor, room 207g), a thematic book exhibition "Modernity and the future of the Earth's Population" takes place. The exhibition is dedicated to World Population Day, the 75th anniversary of the formation of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the 30th the anniversary of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and UNFPA .