
Published in the city of Mogilev

26 Mar 2013

From 25th March to 31st May, in the Book Museum there runs the exhibition “Published in the city of Mogilev” dedicated to the 380th anniversary from the date of foundation of the Mogilev printing house.

Book exhibitions

The best books of Belarus – 2013

21 Mar 2013

From 21 March to 30 July, an exhibition of the publications which were marked on the 52nd National Contest "The Art of Book" runs at the National Library of Belarus (3rd floor, circular corridor).

Book exhibitions

World Poetry Day 2013

21 Mar 2013

Every year on 21 March UNESCO celebrates World Poetry Day. A decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during the UNESCO’s 30th session held in Paris in 1999.

Library News

The singer of Russia

20 Mar 2013

From 20 March to 12 May, the exhibition “The singer of Russia” timed to the 140th anniversary from the birth of Russian composer, pianist and conductor Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873–1943) runs in the Music and audio materials reading room (room 305).

Book exhibitions

Races without racism

14 Mar 2013

From 14th March to 16th April, in the Documents of international organizations reading room (room 207g) there runs an exhibition “Races without racism” timed to the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Book exhibitions

The centenary book

13 Mar 2013

From 13 March to 30 June, an exhibition "The centenary book. The books of 1913 in the funds of the National Library of Belarus" runs in the National Library of Belarus (3rd floor, circular corridor)

Book exhibitions

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Seminar "Belarus – republic-partizan"

10 Jul 2024

As part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders, the National Library of Belarus is implementing the project "The Names of Heroes are immortal".

Dancers' Painter

5 Jul 2024

The book and illustrative exhibition "Dancers' Painter", dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of the French impressionist artist Edgar Degas (1834–1917), takes place from July 5 to August 25 in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306).

Modernity and the future of the Earth's population

2 Jul 2024

From July 2 to August 5, in the documents of international rganizations of the National Library of Belarus (2nd floor, room 207g), a thematic book exhibition "Modernity and the future of the Earth's Population" takes place. The exhibition is dedicated to World Population Day, the 75th anniversary of the formation of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the 30th the anniversary of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and UNFPA .