
Objectivity, exactness, convincingness

27 Jun 2012

From 27 June to 10 July, a book exhibition “Objectivity, exactness, convincingness” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Belarusian scientist Vadim Krutalevich (1922–2006) runs in the Belarusian literature reading room (room 205).

Book exhibitions

Listening to the voice of Time

26 Jun 2012

From 25 June to 19 July, a book exhibition “Listening to the voice of Time” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Belarusian composer and pedagogue G.M. Vagner (1922–2000) runs in the Music and audio documents reading room (room 305).

Book exhibitions

Independent Belarus is our common firm home

22 Jun 2012

From 22 June to 10 September, a book exhibition “Independent Belarus is our common firm home”, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (3 July), runs at the National Library of Belarus (2nd floor, circular hall).

Book exhibitions

Drugs are a modern global threat

18 Jun 2012

From June 18 to 16 July, the exhibition "Drugs are a modern global threat", dedicated to the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, runs in the Documents of International Organizations Reading Room (room 207g).

Book exhibitions

The miracle named the Book

12 Jun 2012

From 12 June to 31 December, within the framework of the multiproject “Library”, a book exhibition "The miracle named the Book” timed to the Year of Book runs in the National Library of Belarus (3rd floor, circular hall).

Book exhibitions

The composer of two continents

12 Jun 2012

From 12 June to 15 August, an exhibition “The composer of two continents” timed to the 130th anniversary of Russian composer and conductor Igor Stravinsky (1882–1971) runs in the Music and audio materials reading room (room 305).

Book exhibitions

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Dancers' Painter

5 Jul 2024

The book and illustrative exhibition "Dancers' Painter", dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of the French impressionist artist Edgar Degas (1834–1917), takes place from July 5 to August 25 in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306).

Modernity and the future of the Earth's population

2 Jul 2024

From July 2 to August 5, in the documents of international rganizations of the National Library of Belarus (2nd floor, room 207g), a thematic book exhibition "Modernity and the future of the Earth's Population" takes place. The exhibition is dedicated to World Population Day, the 75th anniversary of the formation of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the 30th the anniversary of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and UNFPA .

Chronicle of the Liberation of Belarus

1 Jul 2024

Since July 1, the Book Museum has organized an exhibition "Chronicle of the Liberation of Belarus", dedicated to the landmark anniversary – the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders.