MainFor a ReaderThe library code of service and user registration The Book Museum instructions

Book Museum: the Terms of Use


1.       The Rules of use of Book Museum have been developed in conformity with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the Charter of the National Library of Belarus, the Code of Service of the National Library of Belarus, statement of the Bibliology Research department; rules of Excursion Services; Internal regulations of the National Library of Belarus; rules and regulations of protection of labour, occupational and fire safety rules, and regulate the order of service, rights, duties and responsibilities of visitors to the Book Museum (hereinafter - the Museum).

2.       The right to visit the Museum is granted to all categories of individual users of the library, as well as tour groups up to 15 persons, accompanied by a Library employee. The children under 14 years old can visit the museum just accompanied by an adult.

3.       The documents that give the right to visit the museum are a library card and the ticket of the library's social and cultural center.


From September 1 to May 31:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10.30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Monday is a day off

From June 1 to August 31:

Monday, Thursday, Saturday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10.30 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Sunday is a day off.

5. Visit to the Museum by tour group up to 15 persons, accompanied by a Library employee is paid according to the price list and the Rules of excursion services.

6. The visits by pre-school children, orphans, disabled persons of I and II groups, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, are free of charge.

7. Any individual user of the Library has the right to self-examination of the exhibition of the Museum. Such visits are free of charge.

8. Documents from the Library stocks presented in the museum, can’t be delivered to readers. The order and delivery is held according to the rules of the Manuscripts, early-printed and rare books reading room instructions, incunabula and rare books.


9. The visitors have a right to:

- obtain the necessary information about the Museum opening hours;
- use the Museum services;
- take an issue directly to the Library administration on the service provision.


10. The visitors must:

- leave bags, folders, briefcases, opaque bags, cases with musical instruments, umbrellas and other things in the bag storage;
- take off closes in wardrobe;
- take care of the Museum property;
- keep silence, order and cleanness in the Museum rooms;
- be polite in relation to the Library employees and visitors;
- to comply with these rules, occupational and fire safety rules;
- in case of emergency (fire, accident, the threat of a terrorist attack, etc.) to comply with the library staff, the Police and the Rescue and firefighting services.

11. It’s forbidden to:
- violate the rules of social behavior;
- to carry out actions that may damage the Museum property;
- take out the Museum properties;
- arbitrarily place advertisements, posters and other promotional materials in the Museum, engage in commercial activities;
- use the camera with the flash on, professional video equipment for commercial purposes without the permission of the administration of the Library;
- use the mobile communication devices with the included audio signal;
- to eat and to drink beverages;
- bring cold steel and firearms, explosives, flammable substances;
- comes in a state that does not comply with the rules of sanitation and hygiene, as well as in a state of intoxication or under the influence of drugs and toxic substances.


12. Visitors of the Museum are responsible for the failure of the present Rules.
13. You will be charged for lost, stolen or damaged items, according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
14. Visitors who violate the Museum rules may be denied the right to visit the library on time, determined by the library administration.


15. Employees must:
- provide a high level of service for the Museum visitors;
- inform visitors about the types of services, additions and changes made to the rules, changes in the operation of the Museum.


16. The administration of the Library has a right to:
- make additions and changes to the rules;
- determine the conditions for visiting of the Museum;
- determine the types and amount of compensation for damage caused by visitors in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
- determine the period of deprivation of visits to the Library for visitors who are breakmg the rules;
- to demand from visitors to leave the premises of the Museum Libraries in the event of failure of ethics and rules of conduct in the Library.
17. Library Administration is not responsible for the safekeeping of cash and other assets of museum visitors.