MainFor a ReaderThe library code of service and user registration The rules about information copying

The rules for the use of copy equipment


1.The Rules about information copying (the Rules hereinafter) regulate the order, arrangement, methods and quantity of information copying on user’s request in the National Library of Belarus (the Library hereinafter).
2. Information copying is carried out in compliance with the following documents:

  • the Law of the Republic of Belarus of May 17th, 2011, № 262-3 “About copyright and allied rights”;
  • the Law of the Republic of Belarus of March 22nd, 1995, № 3680-XII “About librarianship in the Republic of Belarus;
  • the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of February 1st, 2010, № 60 “About measures for improvement of use of the national segment of the Internet”;
  • the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus of September 28th, 1998, № 300 “About the ratification of the Instruction on registration and preservation of library stocks in the Republic of Belarus” ;
  • СТB 7.87−2003 “Book monuments. General requirements”;
  • СТB 7.48−2002 “Conservation of documents. General terms and definitions”;
  • СТB 7.31−2000 “Interlibrary loan: General provisions”.

3. The library carries out reproduction and other reconstruction, including in electronic form, of information (copying hereinafter) by requests of physical and legal persons in educational and research purposes.
4. Copying of fragments of legally published works to which applies the Law of the Republic of Belarus “About copyright and allied rights” is acceptable for citing only.
5. It is allowed to copy entire documents to which does not apply the Law of the Republic of Belarus “About copyright and allied rights”, small works (up to 25 pages), articles legally published in collections, newspapers, journals and other periodicals.
6. In the event of illegal use of copies made at the National Library of Belarus users bear private responsibility.
7. Copying of information is an additional paid service which is provided by employees of the Library only in accordance with the Service price list of the National Library of Belarus.


8. The library provides the following copying services:

  • photocopying;
  • scanning;
  • copying of electronic information;
  • file print;
  • copying of audio documents.
9. The Library has the right to define an allowable way of copying of documents, as well as to impose restrictions to copying in accordance with the requirements of library collections safekeeping.
10. In the event that copying process can damage an edition the Library has the right to make a copy without guaranteeing its quality or to reject user’s order.
11. In view of safekeeping of library collections, the following documents can be copied on a scanner only:
  • published before 1900;
  • hand-written books and old-printed editions;
  • newspapers and fragments of printed music published before 1946;
  • engraving regardless of the date of print;
  • with physical damages;
  • documents which format is over А3;
  • documents which can’t be turned 180 degrees;
  • documents in fragile paper;
  • documents which cover is more than 5 cm thick.
12. Copying of information from databases to which the Library provides access is carried out in accordance with the terms made by copyright holders.
13. Copying of documents from the Electronic Library of the National Library of Belarus onto user’s electronic media is carried out in accordance with prescribed structure and format which can’t be changed.
14. The Library doesn’t perform copying of video documents as well as electronic documents containing educational and other programs onto user’s electronic media.


15. Copying of information access to which the Library provides is carried out in reading rooms and points of service.
16. Photocopying and scanning of user’s personal documents are carried out in the Library’s lobby only.
17. When copying information, scaling, margin setting, editing and recognition of files are not performed. One page of photocopy can’t contain fragments of different printed originals.
18. When placing an order for any kind of copying user must put down the size of a copy (numbers of pages in printed documents), numbers of tracks in audio documents, names of files and format of information saving. Otherwise the Library can’t guarantee the accuracy of order filling.
19. Copying services are provided after payment upon presentation of a cashed check to assistant librarian (or operator at the point of service).
20. Reception of documents to be copied ceases 15 minutes before the closing time of the Library.


21. Photocopying execution order.
21.1. General volume of photocopies reserved by one user in a reading room can’t exceed 40 pages.
22. Scanning execution order.
22.1. Depending on complicity and volume of an order, scanning of information can be carried out in the presence of a user or by previous order.
22.2. Scanning of fragments of documents in pfd format is carried out in the presence of a user, if the general volume of an order doesn’t exceed 40 pages (except for documents listed in paragraph 11 of the given Rules, and microforms).
22.3. Scanning of fragments of documents listed in paragraph 11 of the given Rules and microforms in pdf, tif and jpg formants is carried out by advance order, independently of their volume ; advance booking is required.
22.4. In the Manuscripts, old-printed editions and rare books reading room the general volume of an order for scanning of manuscripts, archival materials and old-printed editions of the 15th – 16th centuries can’t exceed 10 pages; the general volume of an order for scanning of old-printed editions of the 17th – 18th centuries can’t exceed 20 pages; the general volume of an order for scanning of rare editions of the 19th is up to 40 pages.
22.5. Advance booking for scanning is made in any reading room.
22.6. Bookings are fulfilled depending on the size: scanning of more than 40 pages of fragments of documents, documents listed in paragraph 11 of the given Rules (except for manuscripts, rare books and old-printed editions) and electronic copying of fragments of is carried out within two days (except for Saturday, Sunday and holidays); scanning of fragments of manuscripts, rare books and old-printed editions is carried out within three days (except for Saturday, Sunday and holidays).
22.7. In the event of specific or complex technical requirements timing of orders can be extended.
23. Copying of electronic data.
23.1. For copying of electronic data it is advisable to provide clear electronic media which don’t contain other information.
23.2. Export of information is carried out after virus test. During the test virus files can be deleted by the system. In the presence of virus files that can’t be deleted copying of information is denied.
23.3. In the event that electronic data is copied onto media containing other information, quality check is not performed and the Library doesn’t guarantee the quality of a record.
23.4. Quality check is carried out by assistant librarian on user’s demand.
24. Copying of audio materials.
24.1. Fragments of audio documents are copied onto user’s media (electronic or ferromagnetic) advance booking is required.
24.2. Reception of orders is carried out in the Music and audiovisual documents reading room.
24.3. Timing of orders makes 24 hours (except for Saturday, Sunday and holidays).