MainServicesSocial and cultural servicesExhibitionsArt exhibitions and projectsArt exhibitions and projects in 2007

Art exhibitions and projects in 2007

30 January –
5 February
Exhibition of Israeli photographers Julia Komissaroff and David Dektor "Transfers" within the framework of the book exhibition "The Days of the Jewish Book" gallery-exhibition complex
14 February The republican art exhibition "Flower Paradise" gallery-exhibition complex
15 February Exhibition of paintings by artists Irina Gilep and Pavel Dimitriadi within the framework of the Days of Greek Culture gallery-exhibition complex
21 March –
4 April
Exhibition of known Lithuanian photographer Kyastutis Stoshkus "Vilnius. The Old City Photos" gallery-exhibition complex
12 April The international painting exhibition "Homo Pulcher" ("Human Beautiful") gallery-exhibition complex
30 May –
11 June
The International Art Exhibition "Human and Wheel" gallery-exhibition complex
12 July The art exhibition "Ex Librises by Michola Rizhiy" gallery-exhibition complex
17 July The International Art project "Seance" gallery-exhibition complex
5 September –
11 October
The international art exhibition “Perception of the Myth” gallery-exhibition complex
3 September "The Singer of the Sea": exhibition timed to the150th birthday of Joseph Conrad gallery-exhibition complex
18 September Vladimir Kachan’s photo project "Minsk. Walking in the City" gallery-exhibition complex
21 September The Belarusian-Russian art exhibition “White Dews” gallery-exhibition complex
16 October The 2nd International Festival of the Landscape dedicated to Vitaly Tsvirko gallery-exhibition complex
1 November –
1 December
The exhibition “Belarusian engraving of the late 20th century” gallery-exhibition complex
27 November –
29 December
The exhibition presenting reproductions of works by Napoleon Orda form National Museum in Warsaw collections gallery-exhibition complex
29 November –
17 December
Tallinn Book Exhibition of Illustrations for Children’s Books gallery-exhibition complex
30 November–
14 January
The art exhibition “Art-Krok” gallery-exhibition complex
17 December –
30 December
Exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A.K. Glebov Minsk State Artistic College gallery-exhibition complex