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Exhibitions 2024


Chronicle of the Liberation of Belarus

The exhibition is dedicated to the landmark anniversary – the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.  

The exhibition presents maps, leaflets with information from the orders of the General Staff and reports of the Soviet Information Bureau of 1943-1944, personal documents of participants in military operations, as well as a number of periodicals of that time, allowing to trace the chronicle of the liberation of settlements and the territory of our country. The exhibition is complemented by publications of memoirs of direct participants in the events, as well as documentary collections dedicated to the Belarusian offensive operation.


Book heritage of the House of the Mamonichi

The exhibition is dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the beginning of one of the most prominent Belarusian publishing centers of the XVI – early XVII centuries – the Printing house of the Mamonichi.

The exhibition presents old-style printing houses of the Mamonichi of the late XVI– early XVII centuries from the collections of the National Library of Belarus. Among the exhibits are the first edition of the printing house, a real masterpiece of book printing of the XVI century. – The Gospel (1575), printed by Peter Mstislavets, the Psalter (1576), better known as the "Psalter with Red dots", the Apostle (1595), the Gospel (without signatures) (1600), as well as such publications of the early XVII century as The Kvetnaya Triode (1609), the republication of the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1619) and the tribunal (1623).

Af_Jaustafij_Tyshkevich.jpg Connoisseur of Belarusian antiquities

April 18, 2024 marks 210 years since the birth of Evstafiy Tyshkevich. This exposition has been organized for the anniversary of the scientist.

There are lifetime editions of Evstafy Tyshkevich's works on history, ethnography, materials reflecting his activities in organizing a public museum, as well as autographed books and publications from his personal library.

In addition, visitors will be able to see modern publications dedicated to the life and scientific activities of the famous researcher of antiquity.

Book acquisitions

The exhibition features monuments of book and writing culture that entered the library fund during 2023.

This year, the book collection of the National Library of Belarus has been replenished in various ways with a number of monuments of national and European book culture. Among them are copies of old printed and rare publications donated, as well as unique documents and publications of the XIX – XX centuries purchased with budgetary funds.

"Pages of History: to the 105th anniversary of the formation of the BSSR"

The book exposition presents scientific, popular science and art publications that tell about the process of formation and development of the Belarusian statehood, the historical background and the process of registration of the BSSR. A number of publications reveal the main historical processes that took place during the existence of the BSSR.  Of particular interest are materials on post- war achievements in various spheres of life of the BSSR – science, education, economics, industry, technology, agriculture.

The art exposition is complemented by festive posters for the anniversaries of the BSSR, made by the best Belarusian poster artists members of the Union of Artists of Belarus.